Wednesday, March 21, 2012

My Blog Badge

               I'm super excited to write this post! I know the title isn't really as creative as my other posts, but I didn't really put a lot of thought into making the title itself. I was just so focused and psyched on writing about my new blog badge. Which, I made by myself!
               For anyone who has some know-how about html, this isn't really something new and would probably just shrug it off but I know next to nothing about html's and stuff like that! You can probably tell by the way I'm writing right now that I'm really really excited. I'm literally bouncing in my seat! So without further ado, I present my Legally Kikay blog button/badge! Tadaaaaa!

Legally Kikay

               I had to search the web for tutorials on how to make the blog badges of course and really all I had to do was just follow them, but still! I'm just so happy that I was able to follow the instructions and actually come up with a super cute badge. That's my kikay side talking right there.
               I'm going to start collecting blog badges and I'm going to create a separate page for them. If you have badges from your blog, please do tell me about them so that I can collect them!
               If you wish to grab my badge as well, the link is available on the left side bar for you to grab and place on your site. I would be ever so grateful if you would do that! Thanks! 

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